Last updated at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:33:29 GMT

If you follow cybersecurity, 你可能已经看到了最近关于殖民管道勒索软件攻击一周年的许多文章中的一篇, which saw fuel delivery suspended for six days, 扰乱了美国东南部各州的航空和公路交通. “殖民”攻击是针对美国关键基础设施的最大网络攻击, making it something of a game-changer in the realm of ransomware, 因此,绝对值得注意时间的流逝,并研究自那以后发生了什么变化.

这个博客将做到这一点, but I’ll take a slightly different tack, as I’m also marking the anniversary of the Ransomware Task Force’s (RTF) report, which offered 48 recommendations for policymakers wanting to deter, 破坏, 准备, 并回应 ransomware攻击. 的 report was issued a week prior to the Colonial attack.

上周,我参加了一个庆祝RTF报告发表一周年的精彩活动. 会议期间, 各种勒索软件专家讨论了勒索软件在过去一年中是如何演变的, how government action has shaped this, 和 what more needs to be done. 负责召集和运行RTF的安全与技术研究所(IST)发布了一份报告 capturing the points above. 这 blog offers my own thoughts on the matter, but it’s not at all exhaustive, 和 I recommend giving the official 纸 a read.

High-profile attacks raised the stakes

Looking back over the past year, 在很多方面, 殖民地攻击,以及勒索软件对爱尔兰卫生服务管理局(HSE)和JBS的攻击, the largest meat processing company in the world, 所有这些都发生在2021年5月-强调了RTF报告中概述的确切问题. 具体地说, 应急工作组的召开是基于这样一种观点,即大流行期间对医疗保健和其他关键服务的高水平攻击使勒索软件成为高度攻击目标的国家的国家安全问题.

鉴于此, 该报告最根本的建议之一是,这一点应得到高层领导和跨政府反应的承认和满足. “殖民”号遭到袭击后,拜登总统在全国电视上谈到了勒索软件问题. Subsequently, we have seen a huge cross-governmental focus 在ransomware, with measures announced from departments including Homel和 Security, 财政部, 正义, 和国家. We’ve also seen both Congress 和 the White House working on the issue. And while the US government has been the most vocal in its response, 我们看到其他国家的政府也将这一问题作为优先事项,并共同努力扩大其行动的影响.

2021年6月, 世界上最富有的民主国家组成的七国集团(G7)政府在其年度峰会上讨论了勒索软件问题. 由此产生的 公报 该组织的承诺包括共同努力应对威胁的承诺. 2021年10月,白宫接待了30个国家的政府,讨论勒索软件. 该活动启动了 Counter Ransomware Initiative (CRI),承诺共同合作,寻找减少勒索软件威胁的解决方案. 的 CRI has identified key themes for further exploration 和 action, 同样注重阻止和破坏攻击,并推动采用更强的网络弹性.

Status of the RTF recommendations

这一切都是令人振奋的,并且与RTF建议的精神和建议非常一致. Drilling down into more of the details, there are many further areas of alignment, including the launch of coordinated awareness programs, introduction of sanctions, scrutiny of cryptocurrency regulations, 和 a focus on incident reporting regulations. RTF 提供关于这些协调领域和已经取得的进展的大量详细信息, as well as the areas that need more focus.

这, 我相信, is the key point: A great deal of progress has been made, 无论是在建立对问题的理解方面,还是在发展利益相关者之间的一致性和协作方面, yet there is a great deal more work to be done. 多个政府之间的伙伴关系——以及公共和私营部门之间的伙伴关系——对于提高我们抵御攻击者的几率非常重要, but progress will not happen overnight. 要看到已经采取的措施的真正影响,还需要时间, 和 there are yet measures to be determined, 发达, 和实施.


We must keep our eye on the ball 和 stay engaged, 当政府和企业领导人有限的时间和资源面临如此多的其他需求时,这并不容易. 的 Russia/Ukraine conflict has undoubtedly been a very time-consuming area of focus, 尽管对攻击性网络行动将成为俄罗斯行动关键要素的预期,或许有助于提高人们对网络弹性需求的认识. 经济衰退是另一个巨大的压力,随着其他领域业务成本的增加,几乎肯定会减少关键基础设施提供商在网络安全方面的投资, resulting in budget cuts. 虽然这两种发展可能会分散政府和商业领袖对勒索软件的注意力, 他们还可能增加勒索软件的活动,因为经济剥夺和工作稀缺鼓励更多人转向网络犯罪谋生.

根据执法部门和其他政府机构,以及 网络保险 然而,勒索软件事件的报告正在放缓或下降. Due to a long-st和ing lack of consistent incident reporting, it’s hard to contextualize this, 和 while we very much hope it points to a reduction in attacks, we can’t say that that’s the case. 安全研究人员 report that activity on the 黑暗的网络 2021年似乎是勒索软件攻击创纪录的一年. It’s possible that the shift in view from law enforcement could be due to fears that involving them will result in regulatory repercussions; reports to insurers could be down due to the introduction of more stringent requirements for claims.

的 point is that it’s too early to tell, 这就是为什么我们需要保持对这个问题的关注,并寻找数据点和轶事证据来帮助我们理解迄今为止所采取的政府行动的影响, so we can continue to explore 和 adjust our approach. 持续关注, continued collaboration, 更多的数据将有助于确保我们对勒索软件的参与者以及允许他们蓬勃发展的政府和系统施加尽可能大的压力. 随着时间的推移,这就是我们在减少勒索软件威胁方面取得进展的方式.



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